OFFICE MANAGER M/F Permanent contract, Full time job description As Office Manager, you will be one of the essential cogs in the smooth running of the company. Management assistantships: You ensure the physical and telephone reception of the company; You assist managers in all their missions, coordinate agendas, manage schedules, appointments, letters and events; You […]
Internship – SMAN Software Engineer M/F Intership, 6 months, Full time job description Internship subject: The internship takes place as part of the technical overhaul of the SMAN module —→ SMAN New Generation (NG) The target architecture is: A “generic” C2 instance deployed on our servers offers an API (Situation-Connector) Each instance of SMAN NG […]
Intership – Software Engineer M/F Intership, 6 months, Full time job description Internship subject: AirportKeeper is software intended for airports to optimize the management of their resources. This software contains an IAM (Identity and Access Management) module. This module contains a database: customers with the modules to which they have access users as well as […]
Electronic – radio-frequency Engineer M/F Permanent contract, Executive, Full time job description You will be part of the Innov’ATM team working in the U-space (management of air corridors dedicated to drones) in an agile and innovative environment, reporting to the Technical Director, Laurent NICOLAS. As an electronics – radiofrequency engineer, you work on the design […]
BigSky est opérationnel à l'aéroport CDG

What IS BigSky offering to Charles De Gaulle Airport ? The SNA RP CDG provides air traffic control services which mainly includes the aerodrome and approach control service for CDG but also all or part of approach control for the other sites such as Le Bourget or Beauvais. In order to best support the operational supervisor in managing […]
Innov’ATM announces a fundraising of 500,000 €

Innov’ATM announces the entry into its capital of IRDInov seed fund.
This fundraiser marks the launch of a new phase of growth for Innov’ATM and should accelerate the international development as well as SkyKeeperSUITE® enrichment.
Innov’ATM and DSNA Services strengthen their partnership (World ATM Congress 2016)

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