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Innov’ATM achieves a fundraising of 500,000 € to accelerate its international expansion


Innov’ATM announces the entry into its capital of IRDInov seed fund.
This fundraiser marks the launch of a new phase of growth for Innov’ATM and should accelerate the international development as well as SkyKeeperSUITE® enrichment.

Innov’ATM was established in March 2014 by two experts from the Air Traffic Management (ATM – Air Traffic Management): Stéphane BASCOBERT and Amine KARRAY who have concluded a strategic partnership with ENAC (French Civil Aviation University) for future collaborations with research laboratories related to the optimization of air traffic thematic.

To meet the challenges of strong growth of international air traffic (multiplication by 3 in Asia and 2 in Europe and USA by 2030) and low potential for infrastructure expansion, the founders developed SkyKeeper SUITE® software for air traffic controllers and airport operators managers in order to optimize air traffic management.

This software suite integrates high performance prediction tools, offering reliable and accurate scenarios to manage arrivals, departures and taxiing of aircraft taking into account the traffic on the platform.

SkyKeeperSUITE® facilitates decision making process of air traffic controllers and airport agents and is part of is developed in the frame of a better anticipation of traffic for more security, more profitable management by reducing delays associated to traffic congestion and thus a global ecological approach by reducing CO2 emission.

For example, on major international hubs such as Paris Roissy Charles de Gaulle, SkyKeeperSUITE® will increase airport capacity by 50% while reducing by 40% unnecessary holdings before landing. Many pilot projects on major airports in Europe enabled to refine the offer and consolidate the benefits obtained through simulations in operational context.

« SkyKeeper SUITE® offers a real innovative response to the optimization challenges of air traffic management. The entry of IRDInov into the capital will allow us to strengthen our international presence, particularly in Asia, Europe, Middle East and South America » – says Stéphane BASCOBERT, President of Innov’ATM.

« Thanks to the entry of IRDInov into the capital, we can can strengthen our teams. This capital will allow us to recruit engineers and project managers specialized in ATM domain to ensure a constant innovation of our solution » – comments KARRAY Amine, CEO of Innov’ATM.

« We welcome this new investment in a start-up coming from digital applications dedicated to aeronautical applications to strengthen our technology portfolio of companies» – says Séverine Taillades, Director of Participations at IRDInov.

About Innov’ATM

Based in Toulouse-Muret, Innov’ATM was created in March 2014 by Stéphane Bascobert and Amine Karray, both having made their careers in the air traffic management sector at Thales. The company has developed a software suite named SkyKeeperSUITE® to automate and optimize air traffic management.
In 2014, Innov’ATM was awarded the first price of « Emergence » category in 2015 of Midi-Pyrénées Region for the national competition i-Lab of Research Department in collaboration with BPI.

Executive directors: Stéphane BASCOBERT, Amine KARRAY
Press contact: Céline DENAT – mail : celine.denat@innov-atm.com – Phone: +33 768 627 970

About IRDInov

IRDInov is an inter-regional seed fund, launched in late 2012 with the support of Fonds National d’Amorçage (FNA) a national fund organism – managed by Bpifrance Investment, IRDI, Regions MidiPyrenees and Aquitaine, as well as regional banking partners and industrialists.

The fund, managed by IRDI Gestion, is worth € 33.6 million. Its investment strategy is focused on spin off projects of companies from public and private research organizations in all innovative industrial sectors. IRDInov invests (in several rounds table) amounts ranging from 500k€ to 3 million € in innovative companies in seed stage or startup stage, located in Midi-Pyrenees, Aquitaine and Limousin regions.

Investors: Séverine TAILLADES, Patrick CAZENEUVE
Contact: severine.taillades@irdi.fr – Phone: +33 581 317 337 – www.irdigestion.fr


Investor legal council: Loyve – Laurent SOUCAZE-SUBERBIELLE, Marion FARGUES
Company legal council: Thémis Conseils – Catherine YOUSSOUPOV
Due diligences: Dedia – Jean PENDANX

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